3d model of the Ghost Operator mask from the game Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Warzone 2 multiplayer. Take your time, hide behind the walls, and hit all 33 targets.Ghost Operator Mace Mask - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - WARZONE - STL model 3D print file fan made inspired version Make sure to avoid destroying Tanks using a C4 as this will result in failing the mission.

As you enter the Garage, shoot down the 2 targets inside. Further, there are 2 targets inside the building location on West (248). After getting out of it through the broken wall, you will find 1 by the scrapped truck. After this, 2 targets can be found inside the building on the roof on which you were standing.Also, there are 4 more targets on the roof between the Garage and the Tower and 1 on the ground, behind the truck.2 targets can be shot on the roof of the Garage on West (254).Thereafter, 7 targets can be found behind the scrapped cars in the south direction.To make it easier, get on the top of the roof where you can hear Sergeant Rodolfo talking.The best way to shoot all the targets is by starting from a higher point in the game. The targets appear as a metal board with soldiers painted on it. There is a total of 33 targets scattered across the training area.

Unlock Practice Makes Perfect Achievement In MW2 – All Targets In Ghost Team Campaign